We are at the mercy of the weather, and it tends to not cooperate with our wishes.
I am still waiting a weather control device to be invented because I think farmers would sleep a lot better at night. We could just turn the thermostat up a little bit at night when temperatures drop below 55 degrees so our tomatoes sleep a little more soundly. Or turn off the rain when we need dry fields for planting and weeding. But alas, unless we grow in green houses or high tunnels, we must always take risks with the weather.
We planted our first tomatoes several weeks ago- just in time for the cold snap we had of nightly temperatures in the forties. Tomatoes do not like when temperatures fall below the 50-55 and some of the plants got a little burned by the cold. No casualties, thankfully, but we're expecting a slight delay in their growing.
This spring has definitely been unpredictable. Many of our crops are a couple of weeks behind schedule due to the cold and rain, but they're growing beautifully now. We just weeded several row of cabbage and cauliflower and I cannot wait to start harvesting our purple cauliflower!
Farming may not always be predictable and safe, but when a crop becomes ready to harvest and you're finally able to see the end result, it's well worth the loss of sleep during a tornado scare or the worry that comes naturally when the weather just doesn't behave quite the way we intend.
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