Hello all!
Seth and I have good news today- Dillwood Farms is here to stay! We are selling 22 acres of the land but we are keeping 38 acres to farm. While the majority of farmable land is on the plot that we are purchasing, our barn housing all of our equipment and three high tunnels are located on the plot that we sold. That means we will be spending a lot of time this spring and summer moving everything over to our land. We have one high tunnel moved already, and will be working on the second and third soon. Then we will be moving all of our tractors, equipment, tools, fertilizers, etc. over here to some sort of barn that we will also be constructing this spring/summer.
This year is going to be very busy for us and quite an adjustment. We are having to make several changes to the CSA as a result.
Here are the main details/changes- I will post the complete information on the website and email it out soon.
- We will be doing a farm pick-up only. We still want to have our presence in Atlanta and the Brookhaven area where we have been for the past two years and so we will be at the Brookhaven Farmers Market on Saturdays from 9am-noon. The first market is March 29th.
- We are dropping the price to $25/week in addition to offering only full shares. We found that $30 worth of produce was sometimes difficult to use in one week, so we are dropping the price and decreasing the amount of produce in each weeks share. Since we are operating on less acreage this season we are offering fewer memberships, and so are only offering full shares. We encourage splitting a share with a neighbor or friend, alternating weeks, if a full share would be too much food for your family.
-Pick-ups will be on Wednesdays afternoons instead of Fridays.
-The program will start in May this year instead of April.
In addition to the Brookhaven Farmers Market, we will be doing the Tucker Farmers Market on Thursdays from 4-8pm. The first market is April 3rd. We will also start the Snellville Farmers Market on Saturdays from 8am-noon in June. The first market is June 1st.
We are grateful for all of your support and hope to see you out at the markets/farm this season.